Monday 6 May 2013

an outift post featuring cat

Velvet Underground T-shirt - eBay
Skirt - Rokit vintage
Cardigan - my sister/Topshop
Shoes - Office
Ribbon - my Grandma 

It was so hot and sunny today so I went into town to go to the art shop and also to buy some thread to sew my girls patch onto my denim jacket. There was this fair going on because it's a bank holiday and there was this jazz/gospel type band playing and the happy vibes were flowing. Everyone under the British sky was barbecuing today, my family was no exception and everything felt so typically English and it's a great feeling. Despite all this British-ness, I was kind of going for a preppy American teen look this morning as I've been feeling particularly inspired to visit America recently, I just feel like there are so many weird places to see that look as though they should only exist in films or books.  My number one destination goal is Salvation Mountain, I have never wanted to go anywhere more than I want to go there. It's so beautiful and I think the fact that Leonard Knight made it, without planning, purely as a non-profitable tribute to God, love and peace is an inspirational act in itself and if you watch this documentary you'll see that he has some really very wise things to say. 



I have to find a way to get here. 

Also, I went to go see The Place Beyond The Pines yesterday and I really recommend you see it, even if only for Ryan Gosling because he never ever ever disappoints ever

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